All Platte County R-3 staff use the web based student database system, SISK-12, for all student data. Below you will find links to the different login sites and handouts with detailed help instructions.

Login Information

Staff Login Link Handout with Login instructions for Staff
Includes logging In, Out, Forgot and changing password
Parent Portal Login Link Handout for Parent Portal
Includes descriptions of the Parent Portal
Support Portal Login Link Handout with basic instructions for the Support Portal
Use this area for other quick helps
Staff Sample Data Login Link Handout with Sample Logins Sample Data
Use this data to see examples

Video Tutorials

Elementary Attendance - Video tutorial on how to take attendance in the elementary classroom and gives specific instructions regarding the first days of school

Secondary Attendance - Video tutorial on how to take attendance in the secondary classroom and gives specific instructions regarding the first days of school.

Changing Schools - Video tutorial on how to change to different schools to see data for all students. This will only apply to staff that have roles in multiple schools.

Locating Basic Student Information - Video tutorial on how to locate basic student information.

Emailing Students - Video tutorial on how to email one or several students.

Gradebook Formula Set Up - Video tutorial on how to set up a formula in gradebook for 95% assessment and 5% other.

Gradebook Formula Set Up - Video tutorial on how to set up a formula in gradebook for 100% assessment.

Setting Up Assignment Types in Gradebook - Video tutorial on how to set up assignment types in gradebook.

Copying Formulas to other Gradebooks - Video tutorial on how to copy a formula from an existing gradebook into a different gradebook.

Handout Instructions

All Staff Basic Information

General Information and Buttons- Descriptions of each buttons use and more
Staff Home Screen Handout- Overview of the buttons and wording on the Staff Screen
Locating Student Handout- Instructions on how to find basic student information
Email Handout - Emailing Parents/Guardians out of SISK12
Contact Summary Form Handout - Add, view, and edit record of contact
SISK12 for Mobile Devices Power Point- Instructions on viewing SISK12 with a Mobile Device
Computer Requirements for PC User Handout - Requirements for a PC to view SISK12

Teacher Basic Information

Attendance by Homeroom Handout
Attendance by Class Period Handout
Attendance - Manual Entry Roster- Printable roster
Discipline Referrals Handout - Instructions on how to complete a discipline referral
Grade Book 1-2-3 Steps Handout- Quick steps on set up and entering grades
Grade Book - Copy Student Scores Handout - Copy Student Scores from one grade book to another
Grade Book - End of Terms Grades Handout - How to import end of term grades
Grade Book - Transfer In Student Scores Handout - Entering scores for a student that transfers
Homework on Parent Portal Handout- Adding homework to the Parent Portal
Lunch Count Handout- Instructions on how to take the daily meal count
Photo Seating Charts Handout- Generate a seating chart with pictures